
The Global Directory 37
Modifying Site
Names through the
Central Manager
You can change the site name of regional and branch offices using the
Central Manager.
To edit a site name:
1 Access the Central Manager (see the previous section, A
ccessing a VCX
Site through the Central Manager).
The Central Manager page appears.
2 Click Modify.
The regional and branch office site name fields become editable.
3 Modify a site name by editing the field value in the Site Name column.
4 Click Save.
The site name is updated.
The Global
The Global Directory option on the Central Manager page (see the left
side of Figure 3
) allows you to search for configured users in any office
linked to the Central Manager. You can search using first or last name,
phone extension, or site ID or name. Once you find the user, you can
launch the VCX Administrator provisioning interface for the office data
server where the user is configured. This feature is useful in multi-site
systems, where there are multiple regional offices and possibly branch
offices associated with a regional office.
The Global Directory is also used in VCX version 7.1 systems for call
routing. Prior to version 7.1, you had to configure routes between each
VCX call processing end point to enable calling in a multi-site system.
With version 7.1, VCX software can use the Global Directory on each call
processor to make call routing decisions. See Route
Plan Configuration
Requirements for more information on routing. See topics in this section
for information on setting up the Global Directory.
Global Directory
Figure 7 show the Global Directory page and shows the search results for
all extensions containing “001”. The results include one user in Regional
Office 1 and one user in Regional Office 2.