BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Configuring PATROL for BEA WebLogic 3-13
To Turn On Instrumentation or JVM Performance Monitoring
Once setup, instrumentation and profiling options are permanently saved
in your agent configuration. If you later want to completely turn off
advanced monitoring, you will need to remove it from the configuration,
see “To Remove Instrumentation or JVM Performance Monitoring From
Your Setup” on page 3-15.
Step 1 From the KM Commands on the local managed server instance icon,
Advance Monitoring => Configure. The Configure Advance
Monitoring dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click the types of components for which you want to collect advanced
monitoring (instrumented performance) data.
JVM performance
“Enable JVM
Performance Data
Collecting Including...”
using the process
outlined in “To Turn
On Instrumentation or
JVM Performance
Monitoring” on page
everything you get at the basic level, plus...
JVMPROFILER: AvgGCTime, CPUUSage, GCCount, GCTime, MemoryUsage,
ThreadHighestCPUTime, TotalHeapSize, TotalThreadCPU,
UsedHeapByAllThreads, VMemoryUsage
Java method-level
“Enable Advance Java
Class Method Level...”
using the process
outlined in “To Enable
Profiling” on page
everything you get at the basic level, plus...
PROF_METHOD: AvgCPUTime, CPUTime, ExecutionTime
LOCAL_MANAGED: _MethodProfColl
SERVER: _MethodProfColl
If you want... Turn On... And you get...