BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Managing JMX-Instrumented Applications 10-7
Step 3 Click on an MBean to select it. Optionally, you can filter the list of
MBeans by completing the fields shown in Table 10-2. For example, if
you wanted to find all MBeans whose type is not “Runtime” or “Config”,
you would:
• enter the word “Type” in the Attribute field
• use the pull-down list to select “does not end with”
• enter the string “&Config;Runtime” in the Value field
Table 10-2 MBean Management dialog box
Step 4 Click Select. The MBean Information dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Specify the target attribute or exception on which the condition will be
5.A Click a numeric, string, or boolean attribute in the top pane, or a
notification in the third pane.
5.B Click the Define Conditions button.
Field Name Action
Domain enter a pattern to match for the domain portion of the object name;
the domain name can include the ? character to match any single
character, or the * character to match 0 or more characters
Keys enter a pattern to match for the key property list portion of the object
name; a key property list consists of one or more property-value paris
in the form property=value; the * character can be used to match one
or more key properties, for example, *,Type=WebModule
this can be an explicit list without wildcards; wildcards cannot be
embedded within property names or values
Attribute (optionally) enter the name of a numeric or string MBean attribute that
will be used to filter the MBean list, based on a conditional
expression; this is used in conjunction with the Value field; leave
these fields blank if you do not want to filter the list
Value (optionally) specify a numeric or string value that will be used to filter
the MBean list; you may specify multiple criteria (separated with a
semicolon) and you may precede the values with boolean operators &
(and) and | (or) to specify complex criteria