BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
E-2 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.LocalMgrList List of local managed server names for this monitored domain.
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.EnableLogNotification Flag indicating whether the JMX log notification is enabled.
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.LogNotification Settings and mail configuration of the JMX log notification function.
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.PJSOptions Setup options for advance monitoring features.
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.LocalMrgPJSOptions Setup options for advance monitoring features on a local managed
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.HighCPUThreshold Value set by the administrator as the “high” CPU usage threshold.
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.ServerName Name of this Admin WebLogic Server as defined in the WebLogic
config.xml file.
/BEAWLS_SERVER/<psid>.MrgServerName Nameof the managed server as defined in the WebLogic
config.xml file.
/JMX/JavaPath Used to invoke JVM for the JMX listener.
/JMX/ListenPort Port number that the JMX listener will monitor (default is 3604).
/JMX/LocalHost Host name that BMC MBeans will use to connect to the JMX
listener for sending notifications (default is the value of “/sid” in the
PATROL Agent namespace).
/JMX/writablePath Directory path to be used by BMC MBean in logging messages
and maintaining a copy of condition definitions (the dfault is
<PATROL_INSTALL>/JMX; if an MBean is unable to write to this
directory, it will attempt to use its current working directory; if
unable to write to the current working directory, it will attempt to
use MBean user home directory.)
/JMX/SMTPServer E-mail server name used by the JMX component to send e-mail.
/JMX/EMailSender E-mail address (e.g., used by the JMX
component for the sender line in e-mail
/JMX/EMailRecipients E-mail addresses of recipients for alerts; multiple addresses are
delimited with semicolons
/JMX/ConditionDef/ALL^SERVERS/<Condition_Name> Condition definition applicable to all defined servers.
/JMX/ConditionDef/<JMX_server>/<Condition_Name> Condition definition applicable to a specific server.
Table E-1 Agent Variables (Part 2 of 2)
Agent Variable Description