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10-2 PATROL for BEA WebLogic User Guide
Monitoring JMX MBeans
PATROL for BEA WebLogic provides tools that let you monitor Java
MBeans used in a JMX-managed WebLogic Server. You can select which
MBeans you want to monitor and you can define attributes that determine
which MBeans are monitored, that trigger automatic alerts, and that can
take automatic actions based on your monitoring criteria.
In any WebLogic environment, thousands of MBeans may exist, and any
of them could be monitored by this product, but in most environments,
only a small number of those MBeans will be important for monitoring
purposes. To effectively use this product, you will need to set up some
configuration options and to identify those MBeans that you want
monitored. PATROL calls this process of identifying and specifying
MBeans for monitoring as defining a condition.
After a condition is defined, you can implement automatic recovery
actions that will take place whenever a condition occurs. Each condition
can also automatically send e-mail notifications and can generate
PATROL events that you can monitor with the PATROL Event Manager
or other tools.
The following diagram shows the sequence of steps for successfully
implementing JMX MBean monitoring in a typical WebLogic
environment. Additional information is in the online Help.
Instrumenting Your Application with JMX
JMX is a universal open technology for management and monitoring of
Java applications and systems. Information about the JMX specification,
including how to instrument your application with JMX, is at
setup default
e-mail notification
add automatic
add e-mail