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Menu Summary C-9
BEAWLS_SERVLET Application Menu
The menu commands in Table C-4 are the PATROL KM menu
commands for the BEAWLS_SERVLET application class.
Lock Server lock the WebLogic server
Unlock Server unlock a previously locked WebLogic server
Garbage Collection instruct JVM to begin garbage collection, reclaiming memory
used by discarded JVM objects
Server Configuration Tuning configure domain server thread, login timeout, maximum
message size, and message timeout settings
Table C-4 BEAWLS_SERVLET commands
Menu Command Action
Methods Response Report reports response performance data on HttpServlet class
methods (including doPost, doGet, doPut, and doDelete);
results include average response time, total response time,
and invocation rate
Stop Monitoring stops monitoring a previously monitored servlet
Table C-3 BEAWLS_MANAGED menu commands in a WebLogic 6.1 environment (Part 2 of 2)
Menu Command Action