BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Menu Summary C-27
BEAWLS_SERVLET_V51 Application Menu
The menu commands in Table C-25 are the PATROL KM menu
commands for the BEAWLS_SERVLET_V51 application class.
Debug XPC Client enable or disable collection of XPC debugging data and
specify location for saved information; this command should
be used only under the direction of BMC Software support
Setup Method Profiling
dynamically configure the list of defined Java classes (this
list is originally defined when registering a server from the
BEAWLS_SETUP application class)
Table C-25 BEAWLS_SERVLET_V51 commands
Menu Command Action
Methods Response Report reports response performance data on HttpServlet class
methods (including doPost, doGet, doPut, and doDelete);
results include average response time, total response time,
and invocation rate
Stop Monitoring stops monitoring a previously monitored servlet
Table C-24 BEAWLS_SERVER_V51 commands (Part 4 of 4)
Menu Command Action