BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
InfoBox Summary D-11
Table D-12 describes the InfoBox available from the BEAWLS_LOG
JDK Version version number of the JDK being used on the server
Host Name host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server
Host IP Address IP address of the host on which the WebLogic Server resides
Server State flag indicating whether server is available (up or down)
Health Status general assessment of the overall health of the managed
server; values are OK, WARN, CRITICAL, or FAILED
Advance Monitoring Setting flag indicating whether advanced monitoring is turned on or
off for J2EE components
Free Heap Size amount of memory in heap that is currently unused
Current Heap Size amount of memory allocated to heap
Table D-12 BEAWLS_LOG InfoBox (Part 1 of 2)
Item Description
LOG File Name file name and path of currently monitored log
LOG File Size file size of this log
Logging Status flag indicating whether the log is active/enabled (yes) or
inactive/disabled (no)
Rotation Type type of rotation currently in use (SIZE, DATE/TIME, or NONE)
rotation is a method of switching the log file currently in use to
prevent one file from becoming too large; a new log may be
created when the existing log reaches a certain length (SIZE),
at a certain point in time (DATE or TIME, depending on the
log file type), or rotation can be disabled (NONE)
Log Files Number total number of rotation files, including the current log file
Sniffing Status flag indicating whether pattern matching is in use
Table D-11 BEAWLS_LOCAL_MANAGED InfoBox (Part 2 of 2)
Item Description