BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Menu Summary C-13
Enable Prep Stmt Profiling turns on prepared SQL statement cache profiling
when turned on, the WebLogic server will start accumulating
information about the usage of cached prepared SQL
statements; in order to view this information, run the
Prepared Statement Cache report from the BEAWLS_JDBC
application class
running this command is resource intensive; it should be
used for diagnostic purposes and turned off when not
Disable Prep Stmt Profiling turns off prepared SQL statement cache profiling
Pool Tuning
Set Max Pool Capacity set the maximum number of connection to be maintained by
this pool
Set Initital Pool Capacity set the initial number of connections to be created and
maintained by this pool
Set Login Delay Seconds set the number of seconds to wait before creating physical
database connections
some database servers cannot handle frequent connection
requests and this property can allow a lag time in which the
server is allowed to complete previous requests; the delay
takes place during initial pool creation as well as throughout
the life of the connection pool
Pool Administration
display a dialog from which the following functions can be
• enabling a previously disabled pool
• disabling a pool by freezing connections
• disabling a pool and destroying client’s connection
• resetting a pool (refresh)
Table C-9 BEAWLS_JDBC Application Menu Summary (Part 2 of 2)
Menu Command Action