BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Installing and Migrating PATROL for BEA WebLogic 2-27
The installation utility opens in KMDS mode.
Step 4 In the Welcome to the Installation Utility window, click Next to begin
your installation.
Step 5 In the Review License Agreement window, review the license agreement,
Accept, and click Next to continue.
Step 6 In the Select Installation Option window, select I want to install products.
Step 7
In the Specify KMDS directory window, enter the full path to the
directory in which the KMDS is installed and click
Step 8 From the Select Products and Components to Install window, select the
KMs that you want to install and click
Step 9 In the Review Selections and Install window, review the selections
carefully to make sure they are correct.
• If you want to change your selections, click
Back and make those
• If the selections are correct, click through the rest of the windows in
the installation utility to install PATROL for BEA WebLogic into the
Table 2-5 Command Line Options for Installing in a KMDS Environment
KMDS Installation
Options Description
-kmdsportnum portnum optional; use only if you are not using the default
KMDS port number 3182
-releaseversion v.r optional; use only if you are installing to a Unix
PATROL 3.4.x environment. v.r designates the
version number of the PATROL environment into
which you are installing (for example,
-releaseversion 3.4).