- 110 - set mld fast-leave
The user can go to the CLI VLAN Configuration Mode to set MLD Snooping fast-leave admin mode on a
particular VLAN, use the set mld fast-leave <vlanid> vlan configuration command. Use the no set mld
fast-leave <vlanid> disable MLD Snooping fast-leave admin mode.
set mld fast-leave <vlanid>
no set mld fast-leave <vlanid>
Default Setting
Command Mode
VLAN Mode set mld groupmembership-interval
The user can go to the CLI VLAN Configuration Mode to set the MLD Group Membership Interval time on
a particular VLAN, use the set mld groupmembership-interval <vlanid> <2-3600> vlan configuration
command. Use the no set mld groupmembership-interval <vlanid> return to default value 260.
set mld groupmembership-interval <vlanid> <2-3600>
no set mld groupmembership-interval <vlanid>
Default Setting
Command Mode
VLAN Mode set mld maxresponse
The user can go to the CLI Interface VLAN Mode to set the MLD Maximum Response time on a particular
VLAN, use the set mld max-response-time <vlanid> <1-65> vlan configuration command. Use the no
set mld max-response-time <vlanid> return to default value 10.
set mld max-response-time <vlanid> <1-65>
no set mld max-response-time <vlanid>
Default Setting