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Non-Configurable Data
Slot/Port - Displays the interface on which MLD proxy is enabled.
IPv6 Address - The IPv6 address of the MLD Proxy interface.
Subnet Mask - The subnet mask for the IPv6 address of the MLD Proxy interface.
Admin Mode - The administrative status of MLD Proxy on the selected interface.
Operational Mode - The operational state of MLD Proxy interface.
Number of Groups - The current number of multicast group entries for the MLD Proxy interface in
the cache table.
Version - The version of MLD configured on the MLD Proxy interface.
Unsolicited Report Interval - The Unsolicited Report Interval is the time between repetitions of a
host's initial report of membership in a group. Default: 1 second.
Version 1 Querier Timeout - The older MLD version 1 querier timeout value in seconds. The Older
Version Querier Interval is the time-out for transitioning a host back to MLDv2 mode once an older
version query is heard. When an older version query is received, hosts set their Older Version Querier
Present Timer to Older Version Querier Interval.
Proxy Start Frequency - The number of times the proxy was brought up.
Proxy Interface Statistics - The Queries Received, Reports Received/Sent, Leaves Received/Sent
are displayed in the form a table for each MLD version.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with the present state of the data in the router.
Clear Statistics - Clear the MLD Proxy interface statistics. Viewing MLD Proxy Interface Membership Information Page