
- 821 -
Source - The Source Route to be Redistributed by RIP.
Metric- The Metric of redistributed routes for the given Source Route. Displays "Unconfigured" when
not configured.
Match - List of Routes redistributed when "OSPF" is selected as Source. The list may include one or
more of:
External 1
External 2
NSSA-External 1
NSSA-External 2
Distribute List - The Access List that filters the routes to be redistributed by the Destination Protocol.
Displays 0 when not configured.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Displays the latest RIP Route Redistribution Configuration data.
11.4.6 Managing Router Discovery Configuring Router Discovery
Selection Criteria
Slot/Port - Select the router interface for which data is to be configured.
Configurable Data
Advertise Mode - Select enable or disable from the pulldown menu. If you select enable, Router
Advertisements will be transmitted from the selected interface.
Advertise Address - Enter the IP Address to be used to advertise the router.