- 603 -
show ipv6 pimdm
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
PIM-DM Admin Mode: Indicates whether PIM-DM is enabled or disabled.
Interface: Valid unit, slot, and port number separated by forward slashes.
Interface Mode: Indicates whether PIM-DM is enabled or disabled on this interface.
Operational State: The current state of PIM-DM on this interface. Possible values are Operational or
Non-Operational. show ipv6 pimdm interface
Use this command to display PIM-DM configuration information for all interfaces or for the specified
interface. If no interface is specified, configuration of all interfaces is displayed.
show ipv6 pimdm interface {<slot/port>/all }
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
Interface Mode: Indicates whether PIM-DM is enabled or disabled on the specified interface.
PIM-DM Interface Hello Interval: The frequency at which PIM hello messages are transmitted on
this interface. By default, the value is 30 seconds. show ipv6 pimdm neighbor
Use this command to display the PIM-DM neighbor information for all interfaces or for the specified