
- 909 -
Assign Queue ID - Specifies the hardware egress queue identifier used to handle all packets
matching this ACL rule. Valid range of Queue Ids is (0 to 6).
Mirror Interface - Specifies the specific egress interface where the matching traffic stream is copied
in addition to being forwarded normally by the device. This field cannot be set if a Redirect Interface is
already configured for the ACL rule. This field is visible for a 'Permit' Action.
Redirect Interface - Specifies the specific egress interface where the matching traffic stream is
forced, bypassing any forwarding decision normally performed by the device.
CoS - Specifies the 802.1p user priority to compare against an Ethernet frame. Valid range of values
is (0 to 7).
Destination MAC - Specifies the destination MAC address to compare against an Ethernet frame.
Valid format is (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx). The BPDU keyword may be specified using a Destination MAC
address of 01:80:C2:xx:xx:xx.
Destination MAC Mask - Specifies the destination MAC address mask specifying which bits in the
destination MAC to compare against an Ethernet frame. Valid format is (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx). The
BPDU keyword may be specified using a Destination MAC mask of 00:00:00:ff:ff:ff.
Ethertype Key - Specifies the Ethertype value to compare against an Ethernet frame.
Valid values are
MPLS multicast
MPLS unicast
Reverse ARP
User Value
Ethertype User Value - Specifies the user defined customised Ethertype value to be used when the
user has selected "User Value" as Ethertype Key, to compare against an Ethernet frame. Valid range
of values is (0x0600 to 0xFFFF).
Source MAC - Specifies the Source MAC address to compare against an Ethernet frame. Valid
format is (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).
Source MAC Mask - Specifies the Source MAC address mask specifying which bits in the Source
MAC to compare against an Ethernet frame. Valid format is (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).
VLAN - Specifies the VLAN ID to compare against an Ethernet frame. Valid range of values is (1 to
3965). Either VLAN Range or VLAN can be configured.
Match Every - Specifies an indication to match every Layer 2 MAC packet.
Valid values are
True - Signifies that every packet is considered to match the selected ACL Rule.
False - Signifies that it is not mandatory for every packet to match the selected ACL Rule.
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