
- 839 -
Mode - Selector for the Tunnel mode. The supported modes are 6-in-4-configured and 6-to-4.
IPv6 Implicit Mode - Enable IPv6 on this interface using the IPv6 address. This option is only
configurable prior to specifying an explicit IPv6 address.
IPv6 Address - Select list of configured IPv6 addresses for the selected Loopback interface. Add is
also a valid choice if the maximum number of addresses has not been configured.
IPv6 Address - When 'Add' is chosen from the IPv6 Address selector this IPv6 address input field
becomes visible. Address must be entered in the format prefix/length.
The user also has the option to specify the 64-bit extended unique identifier (EUI-64).
Source - Select the desired source, Address or Interface. If Address is selected the the source
address for this tunnel must be entered in dotted decimal notation. If Interface is selected the source
interface for this tunnel must be selected. The address associated with the selected interface will be
used as the source address.
Destination Address - The destination address for this tunnel in dotted decimal notation.
Interface Maximum Transmit Unit - Specifies maximum trasmit unit on an interface. It is not valid to
set this value to 0 if routing is enabled. If the value set to 0 that will be changed to default value 1480.
Range of MTU is (1280 to 1480)
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the system with the values on this screen.
Delete Tunnel - Remove the selected interface.
Delete Selected Address - Remove the selected IPv6 Address. Viewing Tunnels Summary Page
This page displays a summary of the configured tunnels.
Non-Configurable Data
Tunnel ID - The Tunnel ID.
Mode - The corresponding mode of the Tunnel.
Address - The IPv6 Address(es) of the Tunnel.
Source - The corresponding Tunnel Source Address. In the case where an interface has been
configured both the interface and the address are displayed. If the source interface has no address
configured the text 'unconfigured' is displayed in place of the address.
Destination - The corresponding Tunnel Destination Address.
Command Buttons