- 955 -
Configurable Data
Mode - Select enable or disable from the pulldown menu to set the administrative status of PIM-SM in
the router. The default is disable.
Hello Interval (secs)- Enter the time in seconds between the transmission of which PIM Hello
messages on this interface. The valid values are from (0 to 18000 secs) . The default value is 30.
Join/Prune Interval - Enter the frequency at which PIM Join/Prune messages are transmitted on this
PIM interface. The valid values are from (0 to 18000) . The default value is 60.
BSR Border - Select enable or disable to set BSR border status on the selected interface.
DR Priority - Enter the DR priority for the selected interface. The valid values are from (0 to
2147483647) The default value is 1.
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated configuration to the router. Configuration changes take effect
immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed. Viewing Interface’s PIM-SM Configuration Page
Selection Criteria
Slot/Port - Select the slot and port for which data is to be displayed. Slot 0 is the base unit.
Non-Configurable Data
Mode - The administrative status of PIM-SM in the router: either enable or disable.
Protocol State - The operational state of the PIM-SM protocol on this interface.
IP Address - The IP address of the selected PIM interface.