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show ipv6 route summary [all]
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Connected Routes: Total number of connected routes in the routing table.
Static Routes: Shows whether the IPv6 unicast routing mode is enabled.
OSPF Routes: Total number of routes installed by OSPFv3 protocol.
Reject Routes : Total number of reject routes installed by all protocols.
Number of Prefixes: Summarizes the number of routes with prefixes of different lengths.
Total Routes: Shows the total number of routes in the routing table. show ipv6 vlan
This command displays IPv6 VLAN routing interface addresses.
show ipv6 vlan
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
MAC Address used by Routing VLANs: Shows the MAC address.
The rest of the output for this command is displayed in a table with the following column headings:
VLAN ID: Shows the VLAN ID of a configured VLAN.
Logical Interface: Shows the interface in slot/port format that is associated with the VLAN ID.
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length: Shows the IPv6 prefix and prefix length associated with the VLAN ID.