
- 974 -
Configurable Data
RP Address - IP Address of the RP.
Group Address/Prefix Length - Enter the source-specific multicast group ip-address / Prefix
Overide - To override the entry you need to check this box and then select the submit button.
Delete - Attempts to remove the specified Static RP Address for the PIM-SM router. Configuration
changes take effect immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a
save is performed.
Command Buttons
Submit - Attempts to create the specified static RP IP Address for the PIM-SM router. Configuration
changes take effect immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a
save is performed.
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with the present state of the data in the router. Viewing Multicast MRoute Table Page
This screen displays selected contents of the Mroute Table in tabular form. If there are no routes in the
table you will not be presented with the Selection Criteria.
Selection Criteria