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Display Message
Bridge Priority: Configured value.
Bridge Identifier: The MAC Address for the Bridge from which the Bridge Identifiers used by the
Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol.
Time Since Topology Change: In seconds.
Topology Change Count: Number of times changed.
Topology Change in progress: Boolean value of the Topology Change parameter for the switch
indicating if a topology change is in progress on any port assigned to the common and internal
spanning tree.
Designated Root: The Bridge Identifier of the Root Bridge for the spanning tree instance identified by
the MSTID.
Root Path Cost: Value of the Root Path Cost parameter for the common and internal spanning tree.
Root Port Identifier: The Root Port for the spanning tree instance identified by the MSTID.
Bridge Max Age: Maximum message age.
Bridge Max Hops: The maximum number of hops for the spanning tree.
Max Tx Hold Count: The max value of bridge tx hold count for the spanning tree.
Bridge Forwarding Delay: A timeout value to be used by all Bridges in the Bridged LAN. The value
of Forward Delay is set by the Root.
Hello Time: The time interval between the generations of Configuration BPDUs.
Bridge Hold Time: Minimum time between transmissions of Configuration Bridge Protocol Data
Units (BPDUs).
CST Regional Root: The Bridge Identifier of the current CST Regional Root.
Regional Root Path Cost: The path cost to the regional root.
Associated FIDs: List of forwarding database identifiers currently associated with this instance.
Associated VLANs: List of VLAN IDs currently associated with this instance. show spanning-tree interface
This command displays the settings and parameters for a specific switch port within the common and
internal spanning tree. The <slot/port> is the desired switch port. The following details are displayed on
execution of the command.
show spanning-tree interface <slot/port>
<slot/port> - is the desired interface number.
Default Setting