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ingress processing on the packet continues, otherwise the packet is dropped. This implies that the user is
allowed to configure a MAC address mapping to a VLAN that has not been created on the system.
Configurable Data
MAC Address - Valid MAC Address which is to be bound to a VLAN ID. This field is configurable only
when a MAC-based VLAN is created.
VLAN ID - VLAN ID can be any number in the range of (1 to 3965).
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the switch with the values on this screen. If you want the switch to retain the new
values across a power cycle, you must perform a save. Viewing MAC-based VLAN Information Page
Non-Configurable Data
MAC Address - MAC Address bound to a VLAN ID.
VLAN ID - The VLAN ID to which a MAC Address is bound.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with present state of data in the switch.