- 244 - show radius servers
This command is used to display items of the configured RADIUS servers.
show radius servers [<ipaddr|hostname>]
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
<ipaddr|hostname>: The IP address or host name of the authenticating server.
Current: The ‘*’ symbol preceeding the server host address specifies that the server is currently
Host Address: The IP address of the host.
Port: The port in use by this server
Type: Primary or secondary
Secret Configured: Yes / No
Message Authenticator: The message authenticator attribute configured for the radius server. show radius
This command is used to display the various RADIUS configuration items for the switch.
show radius
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Current Server IP Address: Indicates the configured server currently in use for authentication
Servers: The number of RADIUS Authentication servers that have been configured.
Number of Configured Accounting Servers: The number of RADIUS Accounting servers that have
been configured.
Number of Named Authentication Server Groups: The number of configured named RADIUS
server groups.