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broadcast. The OSPF Interface Type will be 'broadcast'.
State: The OSPF Interface States are: down, loopback, waiting, point-to-point, designated
router, and backup designated router.
Designated Router: The router ID representing the designated router.
Backup Designated Router: The router ID representing the backup designated router.
Number of Link Events: The number of link events.
Metric Cost: The cost of the OSPF interface. show ipv6 ospf interface brief
This command displays brief information for the IFO object or virtual interface tables.
show ipv6 ospf interface brief
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Messages
Interface: Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes.
OSPF Admin Mode: States whether OSPF is enabled or disabled on a router interface. This is a
configured value.
OSPF Area ID: Represents the OSPF Area Id for the specified interface. This is a configured value.
Router Priority: Shows the router priority. The router priority determines which router is the
designated router.
Hello Interval: Shows the frequency, in seconds, at which the interface sends Hello packets.
Dead Interval: Shows the amount of time, in seconds, the interface waits before assuming a
neighbor is down.
Retransmit Interval: Shows the frequency, in seconds, at which the interface sends LSA.
Retransmit Delay Interval: Shows the number of seconds the interface adds to the age of LSA
packets before transmission.
LSA Ack Interval: Shows the amount of time, in seconds, the interface waits before sending an LSA
acknowledgement after receiving an LSA.