Routine Save.Envreg does the following:
- Requests for a memory register to read the envelope from, e.g. 2_1.
- Requests the reference envelope by sending e.g.: TRACe? M2_1
and by reading the envelope data (envelope$).
- Writes the envelope register, length, plus data to the opened file.
Close the opened file.
Application program:
Note: The Q(uick)BASIC program is supplied on floppy under file name
EXAPPA51.BAS. The program code that runs under TestTeam Plus and
LabWindows is supplied on floppy under file name EXAPPB51.BAS.
A.5.2 Restoring a pass/fail test setup
In the following example the pass/fail test setup information, as saved in section
A.5.1, is restored from a file on disk. The name of the file is requested. The layout
of the file on disk is described in section A.5.1.
Application summary:
Request the file name from which to restore the instrument setup and open
the file for input.
Call routine Enter.Setup to restore the instrument settings.
Call routine Enter.Envreg to restore the reference envelope.
Routine Enter.Setup does the following:
- Reads the length of the settings data from the opened file.
- Reads the settings data byte after byte from the opened file (setupout$).
- Restores the instrument settings by sending: SYSTem:SET <setupout$>
Routine Save.Envreg does the following:
- Reads the envelope register from the opened file (envreg$).
- Reads the length of the envelope data from the opened file.
- Reads the envelope data byte after byte from the opened file (envelope$).
- Restores the reference envelope by sending:
TRACe M<envreg>,<envelope$>
Close the opened file.
Application program:
Note: The Q(uick)BASIC program is supplied on floppy under file name
EXAPPA52.BAS. The program code that runs under TestTeam Plus and
LabWindows is supplied on floppy under file name EXAPPB52.BAS.