8-7.Read image data from Archived Media
When you perform a search for patient information that is not on the hard disk - or is located on both the hard disk
and on archived media - a dialog window appears requesting where to access the information. Select one of the
following options to indicate where you want to access image data.
► Read from Only Hard Disk [not Read from Archived Media]
Select this option if you want to display information from the hard disk only. If none of the image data is actually
located on the hard disk, an image will not be displayed in the Capture window.
► Read from Archived Media and Hard Disk
Select this option to read information from both the hard disk and from archive media. Insert the archived media
as indicated in the message window into the appropriate drive. The Capture window will display images from the
hard disk and from the archive media. If VK-2 does not find the requested information on the archived media, the
system will use images from the hard disk only.
► Restore the Archived Data back to Hard Disk
You may need to copy patient data from the archive media that has been deleted from the hard drive. Insert the
Archived Media indicated in the disk No. ** and click Ok.
If the patient data is located on separate media, you must first copy the information from each media to the hard
disk to read the information. Follow instructions that appear on the screen.