Check the Archive Disk No in the Database List
8-8.Copy Archive Media
You can make a duplicate copy of archived media. This process is only available when the data has not been
deleted from hard disk. If the data is not in the hard disk, copy the data directly in Windows File Copy method.
1.From the menu choose [Archive] > [Maintenance] > [Make the Same Archive Media].
The dialog window Make the Same Archive Media appears.
2. Input the disk NO to archive again, and click Ok
Under DirectCD software, it is possible to copy the data from CD-R in CD-ROM drive to new empty
CD-R in CD-R drive.
8-9. Restore Patient Data from Archived Media
When a hard disk crash occurs, patient data may no longer be available on the hard disk. You can restore patient
information from your archive media.
1. After repairing or changing your data drive, insert the last archived media and copy all the data in the archived
media to your hard disk. You may copy other archived media as needed from older media(small number media).