
Parameter Definition
P.15 Hot-Inch Touch Sense Option
This option allows enabling or disabling touch sense when feeding wire forward.
Disabled = Touch sensing is disabled when feeding the wire forward (default).
Enabled = Touch sensing is active when feeding the wire forward.
When enabled and feeding wire forward, the wire is electrically "hot" and waiting to short to the
plate. When a short occurs, the wire feed automatically stops and the flux hopper relay is acti-
vated until the feed forward button is released.
P.18 Wire Drive Gear Ratio
This option selects the Wire Drive Gear Ratio that will be used. This applies to the Cruiser dX
Tractor and MAXsa 10 only. The possible selectable values are read from the Wire Drive on
Note: Changing this value will cause the system to reset.
P.21 Shutdown 2 Function Select
This option allows selection of the Shutdown 2 input function on the control box. Normal
Shutdown = The Shutdown 2 input functions as a standard shutdown input that locks out all
input buttons (default) Output Disable = The Shutdown 2 input functions as a machine output
lockout to disable the welding circuit but still allow cold feeding of the wire.
P.23 Trigger Fan-Out
For Sub-Arc Lead Arc machines only. Allows the Lead Arc MAXsa10 to control all machine trig-
gers in a multi-arc system.
No = Only the machine connected to the MAXsa10 can be triggered on and off (default).
Yes = All machines in the system can be triggered on and off simultaneously.
P.30 Input Control
This option allows the front panel controls of the MAXsa 10 to be enabled/disabled. The remote
inputs are always functional when connected, but there may be applications where it is neces-
sary to disable the inputs on the pendent. Panel & Remote = All pendent buttons are enabled
(default). Panel Locked = The Start, Flux and feed buttons are disabled at the pendent. The
pendent's Stop button is always active and cannot be disabled.
P.80 Sense From Studs
Use this option for diagnostic purposes only. When power is cycled, this option is automatically
reset to False.
False = Voltage sensing is automatically determined by the selected weld mode and otherma-
chine settings (default).
True = Voltage sensing is forced to "studs".
P.99 Show Test Modes?
Most power sources contain weld modes used for calibration and test purposes. By default, the
machine does not include test weld modes in the list of weld modes that are available to the
operator. To manually select a test weld mode, set this option to "Yes". When the power source
is turned off and back on again, the test modes will no longer appear in the mode list. Test weld
modes typically require the machine output to be connected to a grid load and cannot be used
for welding.
P.100 View Diagnostics?
Diagnostics are only used for servicing or troubleshooting the Power Wave system. Select "Yes"
to access the diagnostic options in the menu. Additional parameters will now appear in the
setup menu (P.101, P.102, etc).