Tektronix TDS 700D Sander User Manual

Performance Tests
TDS 500D, TDS 600B & TDS 700D Performance Verification and Specifications
H Use the keypad to set the horizontal scale (/div) to 5 ms (press 5,
SHIFT, m, then ENTER).
b. Set up 60 Hz signal generator:
H Connect the output of the signal generator to the CH2 input through
a 50 W cable. See Figure 1–31.
50 W cable
Signal Generator
Figure 1–31: 60 Hz Rejection test hookup
H Adjust the signal generator for three vertical divisions of 60 Hz
signal. See Figure 1–32. The signal will not be triggered. That is, it
will run free.
Figure 1–32: 60 Hz Rejection test setup signal