CC1800XL Concrete Saw Manual 31
Appendix C
Belt Tension Settings
Deflection (in.) should be equal to number of inches listed in chart below
when force (lb) listed in chart below is applied to belt using tension gauge.
Table 7: Push Saw Belt Tension Settings
Model Number Engine/Motor Type Belt Tension Setting
CC1875E1 XL-P 7.5HP Baldor Electric 1 PH-230V
3VX375 0.23 in. at 5.7 lb Force
CC1810E3 XL-P 10HP Baldor Electric 3 PH
CC1813H XL-P 11HP Honda GX390 3VX335 0.20 in. at 5.7 lb Force
CC1816BV XL-P 16HP Briggs Vanguard 3VX355
0.21 in. at 5.7 lb Force
CC1818HY XL-P 18HP Danfoss Hydraulic 3VX375
Table 8: Self-Propelled Saw Belt Tension Settings
Model Number Engine/Motor Type Belt Tension Setting
CC1875E1 XL-S 7.5HP Baldor Electric 1 PH-230V
3VX375 0.23 in. at 5.7 lb Force
CC1810E3 XL-S 10HP Baldor Electric 3 PH
CC1813H XL-S 11HP Honda GX390 3VX335 0.20 in. at 5.7 lb Force
CC1816BV XL-S 16HP Briggs Vanguard 3VX355
0.21 in. at 5.7 lb Force CC1818HY XL-S 18HP Danfoss Hydraulic 3VX375
CC1820H XL-S 18HP Honda GX620 3VX355