Shutdown Entire System
18 313289S
Shutdown Entire System
Follow this procedure before prolonged shutdown or
before servicing equipment.
1. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure, page 12. Place
gun over pail. Trigger gun; wait until pumps are
2. Engage trigger lock, turn off air regulator, and close
main air shutoff valve. Remove spray tip.
3. Follow flushing procedure, see Flush on page 14.
4. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure, page 12.
Engage trigger lock.
For prolonged shutdown (one week or longer):
• Follow flushing procedure, see Empty and
Flush Entire System (new sprayer or end of
job) on page 16.
• Cap fluid outlets to keep solvent in the lines.
• Fill pump A and B packing nuts with throat seal
liquid (TSL).
Cleaning Procedure
1. Ensure all equipment is grounded. See Grounding,
page 11.
2. Turn off all heaters and allow equipment to cool.
3. Flush mixed material. See Flush Mixed Material,
page 14.
4. Relieve pressure. See Pressure Relief Procedure,
page 12.
5. Shutdown sprayer and turn off all power. See Shut-
down Entire System, page 18.
6. Ensure the area where the sprayer will be cleaned
is well ventilated; and remove all ignition sources.
7. Clean external surfaces using only a rag soaked in
solvent that is compatible with the spray material
and the surfaces being cleaned.
8. Allow enough time for solvent to dry before using