313289S 29
Possible Alarms by Mode
The following table outlines the alarms that you may receive while operating the system. The alarms are categorized
according to each mode.
Mode Control Logic Alarms
Spray Dosing valves close for startup test; green light blinks. --
If fluid pressure is under 1000 psi (7 MPa, 70 bar), STOP. P1A
If pumps move (indicating internal leakage), STOP. FHA, FHB
If fluid pressure is more than 103% of allowed maximum, air motor shuts
off until fluid pressure drops.
If is pressure more than 110% of allowed maximum, STOP. P4B
Dosing valve A opens, and dosing valve B cycles to maintain ratio. --
A and B blue lights illuminate when dosing valves are operating. --
If there is not enough B component to hold ratio, dosing valve A closes
If A or B component is more than 5% off ratio setpoint, STOP. R1B, R4B
If A dose size is too large, STOP. B4A
A and B dosing valves close momentarily at each pump changeover --
Park Both dosing valves open; A and B blue lights turn on. --
User opens circulation valves or sprays gun. When pump reaches bot-
tom stroke the blue light turns off.
If park does not complete in 10 minutes, turn off air to both motors. DEA, DEB
Circulation A and/or B dosing valves open and motor air turns on. --
If fluid pressure exceeds 3000 psi (21.0 MPa, 210 bar) on the A pump,
receive yellow light advisory.
If fluid pressure exceeds 5600 psi (39.2 MPa, 392 bar) on the A pump,
If no movement in 10 minutes, turn off air to both motors. DEA, DEB
Pump Test Both dosing valves close; green light blinks. --
If fluid pressure is under 1000 psi (7.0 MPa, 70 bar), STOP. P1A, P1B
If pumps move (indicating leakage) STOP. FHA, FHB
Turn on A blue light, open A dosing valve, user opens sampling valve. --
Close A dosing valve on upstroke; check for no movement. DFA
Close A dose valve on down stroke; check for no movement. DGA
Open A dose valve and dispense total of 750 ml material, close valve,
turn off blue light.
Repeat for B side. DFB, DGB, DHB
If both pumps pass pump test, display shows two beakers of 750ml each. --
Batch Dispense Test User selects total volume desired. --
Open A dosing valve, turn on blue light, user opens sampling valve, turn
off blue light when complete.
Open B dosing valve, turn on blue light, user opens sampling valve, turn
off blue light when complete.
Display shows volume of A and B components at end of batch dispense
Valve Test If fluid pressure is not 1000 psi (7 MPa, 70 bar), STOP. P1A
Check for no movement of pumps (stall within 10 seconds). FHA, FHB