Copyright 2006 Pico Technology Limited. All rights reserved. PSW044-2.0
Scaling Method dialog
This dialog follows the Probe Output Units dialog . It allows you to define the
characteristic that PicoScope will use to convert the probe's voltage output to a
measurement on the display.
How to use the dialog
If you do not require any scaling or offset, click the Don't apply any scaling
If the probe requires linear scaling, click the Use a linear equation button and
enter the gradient (or scale factor) m and the offset c in the equation y = mx + c,
where y is the displayed value and x is the probe's voltage output.
If you wish to apply a nonlinear function to the probe's output, choose Use a look-
up table..., then click the Create a Lookup Table... button to create a new
lookup table. This will take you to the Lookup-table Scaling dialog .
Click Next to continue to the Range Management dialog .
Click Back to return to the Probe Output Units dialog .