Copyright 2006 Pico Technology Limited. All rights reserved. PSW044-2.0
Trigger timing (part 2)
"Trigger timing (part 1) " introduced the concepts of pre-trigger delay and the
post-trigger delay . This diagram below shows how they are related.
The pre-trigger delay positions the capture window in relation to the trigger
reference point so that you can choose how much of the waveform should be before
the reference point, and how much after it.
The post-trigger delay is like the delayed trigger of a conventional oscilloscope.
PicoScope waits for this time, minus the pre-trigger delay, before capturing data.
scope devices have a limit to the number of sampling intervals that can pass between
the trigger event and the end of the capture window, so the software may adjust the
pre-trigger delay to keep within this limit.
If you have set up a post-trigger delay, you can click the post-trigger delay button
while the scope is running whenever you want to switch between viewing the trigger
event and the trigger reference point.
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