CHAPTER 3. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
3.3 Mounting Interface Boards
This section describes how to set jumpers and switches of an interface board, how to mount
optional boards to an interface board, and how to mount interface boards into slots.
3.3.1 Setting Switches and Mounting Optional Boards
These interface boards are divided into the boards to set switches or jumpers and the boards
to mount option boards.
Table 3.5 Interface Board for Switches/Jumper Setting
Interface Board Jumper/Switch Setting Jumper/Switch Function
TEPRI S1(SW1~SW8) Setting E1, T1/E1/PRI, 24B+D/24B,
User/Network and 17H/13H
TEPRI2 S2(1~4)
Setting T1, E1, T1/E1,PRI, 24B+D/24B,
User/Network and 1AH
TEPRI(a/2) Cards is only support E1(1) PRI function, but not supports for
E1(T1) Digital Trunk function.
Table 3.6 Interface Boards that can mount option boards
Interface Board Option Board
MP10(MP11) 4DLM or 4SWM, MODEM
4SWM Module board supports not 10M LAN interface but 100M LAN interface.
4TRM Module board supports not Dial Pulse dialing but DTMF dialing. 8TRK
Card supports DTMF and Dial Pulse dialing