Syntax and Commands
PS2520G and PS2521G Programmer Manual
Table 2: General Setting Commands (Cont.)
Command Description
Sets the current limit.
Returns the current-limit setting.
:PROTection:STATe <Boolean>
Sets the Overcurrent Protection (OCP) on
or off.
Returns the state of the Overcurrent
Protection (OCP) setting as either on or off.
Sets the voltage limit.
Returns the voltage limit setting.
:PROTection[:LEVel] <NRf>|MAX|MIN
Sets the overvoltage protection (OVP) level.
Returns the overvoltage protection (OVP)
Status Commands
Table 3 lists the status commands that set and query the various
registers and queues that make up the status and event structure of
the programmable power supplies.
Table 3: Status Commands
Clears the status data structures.
*ESE <NRf>
Sets the Event Status Enable Register
Returns contents of Event Status Enable
Register (ESER).