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【#13017(PR)】 SP017 SPEC1 Spindle specification 1
Select the spindle specification.
A function is allocated to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F-C : msr Motor series selection
0: 200V specification IM spindle motor
1: 200V specification IPM spindle motor
2: 400V specification IM spindle motor
3: 400V specification IPM spindle motor
4: 200V specification Tool spindle motor
bit B-5 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 4 : fdir Position feedback
Set the machine side encoder's installation polarity.
0: Forward polarity 1: Reverse polarity
bit 3 : vfb Speed feedback filter
0: Disable 1: Enable (2250Hz)
bit 2 : seqh READY ON sequence
0: Normal 1: High-speed
bit 1 : dfbx Dual feedback control
Control the position FB signal in full closed control by the combination of a motor side encoder and
machine side encoder.
0: Stop 1: Start
Related parameters: SP051, SP052
bit 0 : fdir2 Speed feedback polarity
Set the motor side encoder's installation polarity by a built-in motor.
0: Forward polarity 1: Reverse polarity