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6 Spindle Adjustment
【#13003】 SP003 PGS Position loop gain spindle synchronization
Set the position loop gain for "spindle synchronization" control mode.
When the setting value increases, the command tracking ability will enhance and the positioning
settling time can be shorter. However, the impact on the machine during acceleration/deceleration
will increase.
Use the selection command, the control mode "bit 2, 1, 0 = 001" in control input 4.
(Note) The control mode is commanded by NC.
When carrying out the SHG control, set SP036/bit4 to "1".
---Setting range---
1 to 200 (1/s)
【#13036(PR)】 SP036 SFNC4 Spindle function 4
bit 4 : shgs SHG control in spindle synchronization mode
0: Stop 1: Start
bit 2 : pys Excitation rate selection in spindle synchronization mode
0: Select Excitation rate 1 1: Select Excitation rate 2
bit 1 : vgs Speed loop gain set selection in spindle synchronization mode
0: Select Set 1 (SP005,SP006,SP007) 1: Select Set 2 (SP008,SP009,SP010)