4 - 148
【#13121】 SP121 MP Kpp Magnetic pole detection position loop gain
Set the position loop gain in the magnetic polar detection loop.
This is used in the initial magnetic polar detection when the IPM spindle motor is turned ON.
Set to "0" when using an IM spindle motor.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767
【#13122】 SP122 MP Kvp Magnetic pole detection speed loop gain
Set the speed loop gain in the magnetic polar detection loop.
This is used in the initial magnetic polar detection when the IPM spindle motor is turned ON.
Set to "0" when using an IM spindle motor.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767
【#13123】 SP123 MP Kvi Magnetic pole detection speed loop lead compensation
Set the speed loop lead compensation in the magnetic polar detection loop.
This is used in the initial magnetic polar detection when the IPM spindle motor is turned ON.
Set to "0" when using an IM spindle motor.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767
【#13124】 SP124 ILMTsp Magnetic pole detection current limit value
Set the current limit value for the magnetic polar detection loop.
This is used in the initial magnetic polar detection when the IPM spindle motor is turned ON.
Set to "0" when using an IM spindle motor.
---Setting range---
0 to 999 (Short-time rated %)
【#13125】 SP125 DA1NO D/A output ch1 data No. / Initial DC excitation level
Input the desired data number to D/A output channel.
When using the 2-axis drive unit, set "-1" to the axis that the data will not be output.
When the DC excitation is running:
Use in the DC excitation function.
DC excitation: Set the initial excitation level when SP225/bit4=1.
When "0" is set, the state will be the same as when "20" is set.
---Setting range---
-32768 to 32767
【#13126】 SP126 DA2NO D/A output ch2 data No. / Final DC excitation level
Input the desired data number to D/A output channel.
When using the 2-axis drive unit, set "-1" to the axis that the data will not be output.
When the DC excitation is running:
Use in the DC excitation function.
DC excitation: Set the final excitation level when SP225/bit4=1.
When "0" is set, the state will be the same as when "50" is set.
---Setting range---
-32768 to 32767