
142 Serving Your Customers
Publishing Sites Through Plesk File Manager
To upload files through Plesk File Manager:
1 Log in to Plesk control panel.
2 Click the Domains shortcut in the navigation pane.
3 Click the required domain name in the list.
4 Click the File Manager icon in the Hosting group.
5 Create and upload files and directories.
Place the files and directories that should be accessible via HTTP protocol to the
httpdocs directory, and files/directories that should be transferred securely over
SSL protocol to the httpsdocs directory. Place your CGI scripts into the cgi-bin
To create a new directory within your current location, click the Add New
Directory button.
To create new files in the required directory, click Add New File, in the File
creation section specify the file name, select the Use html template check box, if
you want file manager to insert some basic html tags to the new file, and click
OK. A page will open allowing you to enter the content or html-formatted source
of a new file. After you are done, click OK.
To upload a file from the local machine, click Add New File, specify the path to
its location in the File source box (or use the Browse button to locate the file), and
click OK.
When you upload web content through File Manager or FTP, your control panel
automatically sets the appropriate access permissions for files and directories. The
permissions are represented as three sets of symbols, for example, 'rwx rwx r--'. The
first set tells what the owner of the file or directory can do with it; the second tells what
the user group, the file or directory belongs to, can do with the file or directory; the third
set indicates what other users (the rest of the world, i.e. Internet users visiting a site)
can do with the file or directory. R means the permission to read the file or directory, W
means the permission to write to the file or directory, and X means the permission to
execute the file or look inside the directory.
To modify permissions for a file or directory, in the Permissions column, click the
respective hyperlink representing the set of permissions. Modify the permissions as
desired and click OK.
To edit the source code of a file, click .
To edit the Web page in the built-in visual editor (available only to users of Microsoft
Internet Explorer), click . When editing an HTML file, Plesk opens internal
WYSIWYG editor by default. If you want to edit the source code of the HTML file, click
HTML. To return back to WYSIWYG mode, click Design.
To view the file, click .
To rename a file or directory, click . Type in a new name and click OK.