Configuring and Maintaining Your Server 73
Configuring Mailman Mailing List Software
To provide your customers with capabilities to run their own mailing lists or newsletters,
you should install the GNU Mailman package on your server (you could have done so
during installation of Plesk), and set up the mailing list administrator's account—
otherwise it will not work.
To set up the mailing list administrator's account from your control panel:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the Set Up Mailman icon.
3 Specify the user name and password that you will use for
administration of mailing lists and their settings.
4 Click OK.
Once you have set up the Mailman administrator's account, you can configure the
mailing list software or change your administrative login and password by visiting the
URL: http://lists.yourservername.tld/mailman/admin/mailman
Note: After you have set up Mailman administrator's account, the Set Up Mailman icon
will be no longer be accessible from the control panel.
Preventing Your Customers From Sending Mass E-mail
To prevent your users from sending mass e-mail, do the following:
1 Create a file named maxrcpt in the directory
where $QMAIL_ROOT_D is the location defined in the file /etc/psa/psa.conf
2 Type the number of allowed recipients in this file and save it.
Note that this number also affect sending of messages to mailing list or mail group
subscribers. That is, if you set the value to 100, then only 100 subscribers will receive
the message sent to the mailing list or mail group.
When you no longer need to restrict the number of recipients, delete the maxrcpt file.
Configuring Plesk for Database Hosting
You can host users' databases either on a single server or on a number of different
servers. Having the user databases on a remote server can be useful in multi-server
installations, where centralized database hosting can be preferable for administration,
backup, and resource utilization. However, if you have a single Plesk server, you are
advised to keep all databases on it.