36 Configuring Your Control Panel
h Apache restart interval. Any changes to hosting account settings made through control
panel take effect only when Web server is restarted. By default, Web server is
set to restart not more than once in every 15 minutes. This value is optimal for
most cases, and we recommend leaving this default setting. Note that when
there are no changes in hosting account settings, the Web server is not forced
to restart.
i Web and traffic statistics retention period. By default, statistics are kept for three
months. You may want to specify another period here.
j Items that statistical utilities should count when calculating disk space and bandwidth usage.
Customizing the Control Panel in the Standard View
In this section:
Using Interface Customization Templates ......................................................... 37
Hiding and Unhiding Sets of Buttons ................................................................. 41
Super Administrative Overrides ......................................................................... 43
Installing and Uninstalling Interface Languages ................................................. 43
Installing and Uninstalling Control Panel Themes (Skins) .................................. 44
Rebranding Your Control Panel with a Custom Logo Banner ............................ 46
Adding and Removing Custom Hyperlink Buttons ............................................. 46