60 Configuring and Maintaining Your Server
If you are using third-party DNS servers, and are not running your own DNS server,
you should switch off your control panel's DNS server:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the DNS icon in the Services group.
3 Click the Switch off icon in the Tools group.
To restore the original configuration of server-wide DNS template:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the DNS icon in the Services group.
3 Click the Default icon in the Tools group.
You can specify whether your DNS server should provide recursive service for queries.
With recursive service allowed, your DNS server, when queried, performs all the lookup
procedures required to find the destination IP address for the requestor. When
recursive service is not allowed, your DNS server performs minimal number of queries
only to find a server that knows where the requested resource resides and to redirect
the requestor to that server. Therefore, recursive service consumes more server
resources and makes your server susceptible to denial-of-service attacks, especially
when the server is set to serve recursive queries from clients outside your network.
After your install Plesk, the built-in DNS server defaults to serving recursive queries
only from your own server and from other servers located in your network. This is the
optimal setting. If your upgraded from earlier versions of Plesk, your DNS server
defaults to serving recursive queries from any host.
If you want to change the settings for recursive domain name service:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the DNS icon in the Services group.
3 Click the DNS Preferences icon in the Tools group.
4 Select the option you need:
To allow recursive queries from all hosts, select Any host.
To allow recursive queries from your own server and hosts from your network,
select Localnets.
To allow recursive queries only from your own server, select Localhost.
5 Click OK.
In this section:
Configuring Plesk to Run Behind a Firewall .......................................................61