86 Configuring and Maintaining Your Server
Configuring Statistics
After installation, the control panel's statistical utility is set up to:
Count the inbound and outbound traffic
Count the disk space occupied by Web content, log files, databases, mailboxes, Web
applications, mailing list archives, and backup files
Keep the Web statistics and traffic statistics gathered by Webalizer or AWstats programs
only for the last three months
To review or adjust these settings:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the Server Preferences icon in the Control Panel group.
3 Under the System preferences group, specify the term during which the
bandwidth usage statistics should be kept for your customers.
4 Specify the items that should be considered when disk space and
bandwidth usage is calculated.
5 Click OK.
Note: In addition to the settings related to statistics, this screen provides the means to
rename your server's hostname, and the option to allow or forbid users to create new
subdomains and domain aliases in the DNS zones belonging to other users (the Do not let
users create DNS subzones in other users' DNS superzones check box). We recommend that you
select this check box, otherwise, users will be able to create subdomains under domains
belonging to other users, and set up Web sites and e-mail accounts which could be used for
spamming or even phishing or identity theft.
For instruction on viewing statistics, refer to the chapter Viewing Statistics (on page 234).
Configuring E-mail Notification System
The control panel notifies you and your customers of disk space and bandwidth overage by
sending e-mail notifications. With the default settings, however, domain and web site owners
are not notified. We recommend that you enable resource overage notification for domain
and web site owners because they need to know what happens to their domains and web
Apart from resource overage, the control panel can notify the appropriate users when:
New user accounts are created
New domains are added
Hosting accounts are expired (expiration date is defined for user accounts and Web sites
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