
Configuring Your Control Panel 29
8 Visit the Web site of the certification authority from which you want to
purchase an SSL certificate, and follow the links on their site to start a
certificate ordering procedure. When you are prompted to specify CSR
text, paste the data from the clipboard into the online form and click
Continue. The certification authority will create an SSL certificate in
accordance with the information you supplied.
9 When you receive your SSL certificate, save it on your local machine
or network.
10 Return to the SSL Certificates repository (Server > Certificates).
11 Click Browse in the middle of the page and navigate to the location of
the saved certificate. Select it, and then click Send File. This will upload
the certificate to the repository.
12 Select the check box corresponding to the certificate you just added,
and click Secure control panel.
In case you need to generate a self-signed certificate, follow this procedure:
1 Go to Server > Certificates. A list of SSL certificates that you have in
your repository will be displayed.
2 Click Add New Certificate.
3 Specify the certificate properties:
Certificate name. This will help you identify this certificate in the repository.
Encryption level. Choose the encryption level of your SSL certificate. We
recommend that you choose a value more than 1024 bit.
Specify your location and organization name. The values you enter should not
exceed the length of 64 symbols.
Specify the host name for which you wish to purchase an SSL certificate. For
example: your-domain.com
Enter your e-mail address.
4 Click the Self-Signed button. Your certificate will be generated and
stored in the repository.