Configuring Your Control Panel 35
Changing Interface Language and Skin
To change the interface language and skin for your control panel and for your
customers, follow these steps:
1 Go to Server > Control Panel > Server Preferences.
2 Specify the following:
a Default locale. Select the interface language that will be set as default for new
control panel users.
b Default skin. Select the interface skin (theme) that will be set as default for new
control panel users.
c Administrator's interface language. Select the language for your control panel.
d Administrator's interface skin. Select the skin (theme) for your control panel.
3 Click OK.
Note that on that control panel screen, there are also the following settings, which you
might want to review (we recommend leaving their default values for most users):
a Button label length. To prevent lengthy button captions in languages other than
English from overlapping in the control panel, you may want to specify a limit
here. Any button caption longer than the defined limit will be shortened and
ended with ellipsis (...).
b Prevent users from working with the control panel until interface screens are completely
loaded. Leave this selected to avoid errors that might occur when users try to
interact with control panel before is it ready.
c Default interface customization template. Once you customize the control panel and
save the settings in a template as described in Using Interface Customization
Templates (on page 37), you will be able to select your template here.
d Desktop preset. Once you customize the desktop and save the settings in a template
as described in Using Desktop Presets (on page 50), you will be able to select
your template here.
e Administrator's interface customization template. Once you customize the control panel
and save the settings in a template as described in Using Interface
Customization Templates (on page 37), you will be able to select your template
f Allow multiple sessions under administrator's login. By default Plesk allows multiple
simultaneous sessions for several users logged into the control panel using the
same login and password combination. This can be useful when delegating
management functions to other users or in case if you accidentally close your
browser without logging out, thus becoming unable to log in again until your
session expires. You may want to switch off this capability, if you do not need it.
g Full host name.