
Configuring and Maintaining Your Server 87
New comments are posted to the existing trouble tickets
The closed trouble tickets are reopened because the customer has encountered the
same problem again
To view or modify the notification system settings:
1 Go to Server > Notifications.
2 By selecting the check boxes in the Notifications table, specify the types of
control panel users or external e-mail users who should receive notices on
We recommend that you also select all check boxes in the domain administrator column in
order to let your resellers' customers know what happens to their Web sites.
3 To view or edit the default notice text, click the respective icon in the
Text column.
In notices you can use tags that will be replaced with actual data (see the table below).
4 Specify when to send the user account and domain (Web site) hosting
account expiration notices. By default, such notices are sent 10 days in
advance. Click OK.
Table. Tags used in notification messages
Event type
Tags that can be used in notices
The data that tags denote
Creation of a
user account
<client> or
user's first and last name
user name for authorization
in the control panel
user's password for
authorization in the control
host name for access to
control panel
Expiration of a
user account
user name for authorization
in the control panel
<client> or
user's first and last name
user account expiration
Addition of a
new domain
name to the
<domain_name> or
domain name
user name for authorization
in the control panel