
90 Configuring and Maintaining Your Server
Configuring Help Desk
Help Desk is a convenient way for your customers to reach you when they need your
assistance. After you set it up and switch on, the Help Desk becomes accessible to all users
who were granted access to control panel, including your resellers, domain owners, and e-
mail users. Additionally, you can allow submission of problem reports by e-mail.
Your Help Desk shows all reports posted by your resellers and their customers. Your
reseller's Help Desk shows only reports posted by himself or herself and his or her
customers. The domain owner's Help Desk shows only reports posted by himself or herself
and by e-mail users under his or her domain.
To configure Help Desk and allow your customers post problem reports through the control
1 Go to Help Desk > General Settings.
2 Select the Allow customers to submit tickets check box.
3 Select the trouble ticket queue, priority and category that will be offered to
your customers as the default choice.
When users post a new ticket, they can specify the order in which they would prefer their
problems to be resolved (queue), the priority of their requests (priority), and the category
to which the problem is related (category). The queue, priority and category are abstract
entities: they have no effect on the system, but they can help you decide what problems
to resolve in the first place. There are three predefined queues and priority levels and
nine predefined categories including Database, DNS, FTP, General, Hosting, Mail, Mailing Lists,
Site Applications, and Tomcat Java. You can remove these items and add your own.
4 Click Switch On in the Tools group, then click OK.
If you wish to allow users to submit problem reports by e-mail:
1 Create a POP3 mailbox with an e-mail address like helpdesk@your-
domain.com or anything you like.
2 Configure the Help Desk to periodically retrieve problem reports from that
mailbox and post them to your Help Desk.
3 Inform your customers of the Help Desk's e-mail address.
To allow users to submit problem reports to Help Desk by e-mail:
1 Go to Help Desk > Mail Gate Settings.
2 Specify the following settings: