
Configuring Your Control Panel 37
Using Interface Customization Templates
Interface customization templates are sets of interface customization options assigned
to Plesk users. You can configure custom settings for interface elements and save
these settings in a template. Then, you assign the template to specific client accounts.
Default Customization Template is created automatically after Plesk installation.
Initially, the default template allows user access to all interface elements of the control
panel. The default template is automatically applied to all user accounts, including the
administrator, if no other template is explicitly specified. The default template cannot be
removed from the control panel. You can set another template as a default one. In the
list of templates, the default template is displayed in bold.
Thus, to customize interface options for customers, you can either modify the default
template or create own customization templates and assign them to user accounts.
Note that if you need to hide only buttons related to MyPlesk.com e-commerce portal
and buttons related to currently unavailable features (such buttons are shown in the
control panel as grayed out), you can do so without using interface customization
templates. This is described in Hiding and Unhiding Sets of Buttons.
In this section:
Creating Templates ........................................................................................... 38
Assigning Templates to User Accounts ............................................................. 39
Removing Templates ........................................................................................ 39
Changing Default Template ............................................................................... 40
Exporting and Importing Templates ................................................................... 40