
Configuring and Maintaining Your Server 91
Notification sender's name, and Notification sender's return address. Once a report has been
retrieved by e-mail and posted to the Help Desk, the Help Desk sends a notice to the
report sender. This allows the report sender to subsequently add comments to the
report by replying to the message. Therefore, we recommend that you specify your
Help Desk's e-mail address in the Notification sender's return address box, and type a
phrase like "<company name> Help Desk" into the Notification sender's name box. Be
sure to specify your organization name in place of <company name> and omit the
quotation marks.
POP3 server: POP3 server the mail should be fetched from.
POP3 login: user name for authentication to the mail server.
New POP3 password: password that will be used for authentication to the mail server
and retrieving problem reports from the mailbox.
Confirm POP3 password: retype password for confirmation.
Query mail once in: specify how often Help Desk should check for new reports.
Ticket subject must start with: specify the combination of symbols the subject line of e-
mail messages (problem reports) must start with. This can help filter out spam. All e-
mail messages that do not have the specified combination of symbols in the subject
line will be deleted.
3 Click Switch On in the Tools group and click OK.
To view, add, edit, or remove queues:
1 Go to Help Desk > Queues. The queues will be presented in a list.
To add a new queue, click Add New Queue, type the desired number into the Title box,
leave the Switched on check box selected, and click OK.
To edit a queue, click its title in the Title column. Edit it as required, and click OK.
To temporarily disallow your users to select a queue when posting new reports, click
its title in the Title column, clear the Switched on check box, and click OK.
To delete a queue, select the respective check box and click Remove Selected.
To view, add, edit, or remove priorities:
1 Go to Help Desk > Priorities. The priorities will be presented in a list.
To add a new priority, click Add New Priority, type the desired combination of symbols
into the Title box, leave the Switched on check box selected, and click OK.
To edit a priority, click its title in the Title column. Edit it as required, and click OK.
To temporarily disallow your users to select a priority when posting new reports, click
its title in the Title column, clear the Switched on check box, and click OK.
To delete a priority, select the respective check box and click Remove Selected.
To view, add, edit, or remove categories:
1 Go to Help Desk > Categories. The categories will be presented in a list.
To add a new category, click Add New Category, type the desired combination of
symbols into the Title box, leave the Switched on check box selected, and click OK.
To edit a category, click its title in the Title column. Edit it as required, and click OK.