58 Configuring and Maintaining Your Server
Configuring DNS Services
Your control panel works in cooperation with the BIND DNS server, which enables you
to run DNS service on the same machine where you host Web sites.
Setup of DNS zones for newly added domains is automated: When you add a new
domain name to control panel, a zone file is automatically generated for it in
accordance with the server-wide DNS zone template and registered in the name
server's database, and name server is instructed to act as a primary (master) DNS
server for the zone.
You can:
Add resource records to and remove from the template
Override the automatic zone configuration with custom settings on a per-domain
Switch off the domain name service on this machine if your provider or another
organization is running DNS service for your sites
To view the default records in the server-wide DNS template:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the DNS icon in the Services group. All resource record templates
will be displayed.
The <ip> and <domain> templates are automatically replaced in the generated
zone with real IP addresses and domain names.
To add a new resource record to the server-wide DNS template:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the DNS icon in the Services group.
3 Click the Add New Record icon in the Tools group.
4 Select the resource record type and specify the record properties as
Note that you can use <ip> and <domain> templates that will be replaced in the
generated zone with real IP addresses and domain names. You can use a wildcard
symbol (*) to specify any part of the domain name, and you can specify the exact
values you need.
5 Click OK.
To remove a resource record from the server-wide DNS template:
1 Click the Server shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the DNS icon in the Services group.
3 Select a check box corresponding to the record template you wish to
remove, and click Remove Selected.